Friday, July 20, 2007

Memory For A Blessing

One of the things I love most about Judaism is the concept that when a person dies, their memory is for a blessing. What better legacy could you leave? What more meaningful work could you do in your lifetime, than for the life you led to be an inspiration and comfort to those you loved best?

Recently, someone very special and important to me died unexpectedly. Being a firm believer in telling the people in my life how I feel about them while they're alive, the fact that there wasn't anything left unsaid didn't make the loss less painful.

When someone changes the way you view the world. When someone takes the iniative to enter your life and help you to see that things you never imagined are not only possible but can in fact exist for you, that is someone whose memory can only be for a blessing.

I'll think of him often and miss him always as I work to be sure my memory will be for a blessing to the people I love best.

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