Friday, April 24, 2009

Trivia Friday: Scientific Discoveries

Today's post is a quiz about accidental scientific discoveries. Serendipitous discoveries, if you will. How many of these do you know?

True or False
1. Anaphylaxis was discovered while testing the poison of the Actiniae sea anemone on dogs.
2. The cyclical structure of benzene was suggested in a dream.
3. Vulcanization of rubber is named for the scientist who discovered the optimal temp and heating time for stabilizing rubber.
4. Auto safety glass evolved from a dropped beaker that broke but did not fly to pieces.
5. Daguerre discovered the importance of mercury vapor to his photographic process through trial and error.
6. When Archimedes hit upon the way to measure the volume of Hero's new crown, he was so excited he ran home naked.

The credit for these facts belongs to the now late Royston M. Roberts of the University of Texas at Austin and his book, Serendipity: Accidental Discoveries in Science.

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